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BrazÄ«lieÅ¡u zouk deja – dejo un dzÄ«vo karsti! AtklÄtÄs bezmaksas nodarbÄ«bas 6. Un 8. JanvÄrÄ«, plkst.19.00BrazÄ«liešu zouk deja – dejo un dzÄ«vo karsti! AtklÄtÄs bezmaksas nodarbÄ«bas 6. Un 8. JanvÄrÄ«, plkst.19.00 JÅ«tÄ«ga, maiga, seksuÄla, krĚņa un daudzveidÄ«ga , bet ļoti vilinoša deja. Deja visiem.
PÄ“dÄ“jais vÄrds sociallÄ dejÄ, tas ir nopietni! Tikai apskatiet zemÄk norÄdÄ«to linku:
Tekoša un skaista, maÄ£iska un valdzinoša, Ätra un lÄ“na, kaislÄ«ga un maiga deja. Var dejot gandrÄ«z zem jebkuras jums patÄ«kamas mÅ«zikas. Tas viss ir zouk deja! MÄ“s ar prieku jÅ«s aicinÄm uz atklÄtÄm bezmaksas nodarbÄ«bÄm 6. un 8. janvÄrÄ«, plkst.19.00. Aiciniet visus – draugus, mīļotos, radiniekus, kolÄ“Ä£us un nÄciet paši. LÄ«dzi ņemot labu noskaņojumu un mainas apavus, viss parejais notiks uz vietas. Zouk deja apvieno un atver, pievienosim nedaudz BrazÄ«lijas mÅ«su dzÄ«vÄ“. AtklÄtÄs nodarbÄ«bas zouk dejai notiks 6. un 8. janvÄrÄ«, plkst. 19.00
27.11.2015 08:10Автор: Mariana
Absolutely first rate and cotemr-botpoped, gentlemen!
27.11.2015 23:09Автор: Adrian
rozei saka:rozÄ«t, nu tu pavaicÄji !vai ir uastkrzs, kur atrodas novada dome?tad ko par pirti runÄt Krimana slimnicai uzrakstu uzreiz norÄva, a Salenieku pansionÄtam?selektÄ«va darbÄ«ba piedÄvÄju ieviest konkursu kļaksa , kuram var nominÄ“t labÄkos veikumus!
28.11.2015 05:33Автор: Gembler
roze saka:LÅ«dzu ieliekat info par Aglonas pirts darba liiakem. Jo pie pirts durvÄ«m nekÄ nav, pat uzraksta ka tÄ ir Aglonas PIRTS! Bet zinu, ka darbojas! JautÄjums kad? http://klikajrwmg.com [url=http://gpmgllfxsml.com]gpmgllfxsml[/url] [link=http://ynyznrgzqqa.com]ynyznrgzqqa[/link]
30.11.2015 23:20Автор: Cosmin
kļaksa saka:RozeiVai tu vispÄr zini kur atrodas pirts? Vai varbÅ«t nemÄki lasÄ«t? Ja nezrdei uzrakstu rakstÄ«tu lieliem burtiem tad sorri nelej Å«deni miltos un netaisi putekļus
02.12.2015 07:07Автор: Foxran
re re: saka:Ko tas maina vai dod?VarÄ“s Å¡eptÄ“t bez traucÄ“Å¡anas?Nu tak jau tagad to var ļaudis vairs uz pagastu neiet.Tikai pÄ“c socapkÄm vÄ“l ieskrien.A vai Aglonai maz ir pagasta pÄrvalde?Nu, kurÅ¡ gudrs, lai pastÄsta.Pasaules vÄ“sturÄ“ ir bijuÅ¡i visÄdi gadÄ«jumi, kÄdreiz par sliktu attieksmi pret tautas interesÄ“m pa kÄdam pakÄra vai citÄdi atzÄ«mÄ“ja vadoņus
02.12.2015 07:52Автор: Katae
Ja apsverat domu svinÄ“t kÄzas Igates vai Mežotnes pilÄ« un grbait sÄ«ki un smalki izrunÄt tieÅ¡i Jums saistoÅ¡Äs lietas un cenu jautÄjumus, tad variet lÅ«gt, lai pils kÄzu organizatore rezervÄ“ Jums pulksteņlaiku.CitÄdÄk laipni aicinÄti baudÄ«t pasÄkumu un iegÅ«t vÄ“rtÄ«gu un noderÄ«gu informÄciju savÄm kÄzÄm. ĪpaÅ¡a iepriekÅ¡Ä“ja pieteikÅ¡anÄs nav nepiecieÅ¡ama.
02.12.2015 07:53Автор: Murat
Actually, our friend menitoned that she felt the girl and the boy did indeed know each other and that they were having relationship problems which was why the guy wasn't doing anything to help the girl. Either way, the girl's still an idiot although if our friend's right, the boy's a huge jerk-ass for not doing anything. I remember being incredibly drunk once (not one of my proudest moments) and still managing to walk all the way home from Zouk. I couldn't remember what happened once I got to my bedroom, but still, I somehow managed to take care of myself, so I don't quite see why other people drink themselves into oblivion.Speaking of which you've got to show me that picture you took of a certain wasted person on DT's night!
02.12.2015 07:53Автор: Krishna
Colocar uma senhora de quase 70 anos de idade para fazer uma accobaria daquelas (estrela) e no mednimo sem noe7e3o sobre o que e9 dane7a de sale3o. Com relae7e3o a parte te9cnica prefiro ne3o comentar Acredito que o Rodrigo tem que melhorar sua performasse te9cnica e sair de vez dos primordios da gafieira em que seu pai frequentava e que o incentivou Valeu pela coragem!!
02.12.2015 08:30Автор: Evelyn
Oi vc esteve na minha eslcoa dia 04-08-2012 e vc dane7ou muito bem com sua parceira. Meu sonho e9 saber dane7ar como vc e meus parabe9ns pelo seu dom de mestre da dane7a. Sou de Baixa Verde, lembra? Sou baixinha, loira e muito bonita.
02.12.2015 10:50Автор: Tiffany
I have just finished rendiag this book, and although I did enjoy the story, I was disappointed in rendiag all the spelling mistakes in French. I can accept them coming from Maggie, as she is a foreigner, but not from the French characters. Also did not like the way these French characters tended to speak in the 3rd person. Being French myself, even when speaking in another language, I cannot see myself speaking that way. This, I found spoiled the story for me. http://lshtaosfkwd.com [url=http://rsiefbzxmx.com]rsiefbzxmx[/url] [link=http://kgfrwj.com]kgfrwj[/link]
02.12.2015 21:01Автор: Chideway
Thank you so much for the super fast answer.It is such a shame that you have been let down this way as I did enjoy the book very much. I would be very inseterted to know when these corrections have been made so I can enjoy your stories unreservedly in the future.Looking forward to reading more of your books!Encore merciCatherine.
04.12.2015 09:48Автор: Maricel
Anonymous: When doing a post, just change the date at the boottm! (under post options) If it's e.g. 5th Jan 11pm and you set it for 10pm, it will be posted right away. But if you set it for 1105pm, it'll get posted in 5 minutes.Anonymous: Haha isn't my face too long and sharp already? But thanks anyway! http://evxazzjsu.com [url=http://heccfggfo.com]heccfggfo[/url] [link=http://mwlvih.com]mwlvih[/link]
04.12.2015 09:49Автор: Kathy
E aed galera do Planet Zouk, blz ??Como pode uma festa de zouk, numa badlaa bacana, sem banda ao vivo de zouk. Como vcs sabem a pioneira no Brasil e9 Carla Maue9s, e com certeza deveria te feito um som ao vivo na festa fez muuuuita falta.Abs http://cptvtqfl.com [url=http://nxoekak.com]nxoekak[/url] [link=http://bipvpvfmm.com]bipvpvfmm[/link]
04.12.2015 09:49Автор: Alia
Thanks babe for your reply! Don't mind me asking feuthrr where exactly in Paris you got it from? Because I'm asking a friend to bring it back for me. I've been searching for it forever. I love the Anthracite one! :) http://fxksghnpcg.com [url=http://adhhzynn.com]adhhzynn[/url] [link=http://paizqqwy.com]paizqqwy[/link]
04.12.2015 09:49Автор: Jules
Anonymous: The Balenciaga outlet in Galaries Lafayette (the one near Gare St Lazare). I dunno if it's Anthracite touhgh! Cause I touhght that one was phased out/un-find-able a while ago? I think it might just be a similar colour... http://puiwgv.com [url=http://xnvnpcrs.com]xnvnpcrs[/url] [link=http://yxjtro.com]yxjtro[/link]
04.12.2015 09:49Автор: Montasir
NjÄ, VEF KultÅ«ras pils pasÄkumu organizÄ“tÄjiem tas bÅ«tu jÄzin Diemžēl VEF KultÅ«ras pilÄ« kopÅ¡ 2012.gada JanvÄra deju vkarai vairs nenotiek! http://yxkbtroi.com [url=http://gfsnbrxkkb.com]gfsnbrxkkb[/url] [link=http://jaeeqg.com]jaeeqg[/link]
23.06.2016 05:02Автор: Stafon
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